By Priscilla McDorman
Copyright ©2024
Let me burn and quake for you
Make me diminish and fall
Your body consuming mine
Until all I know is you
Every atom crushed by yours
Every breath a permission
I want to wilt to your power
My pain can be your pleasure
Use me up and then some more
I’ll shudder in gratitude
Surrender a sacrament
You, my diety, my god
To feel your nails on my skin
Receive the blows of your hand
Your bite, your pinch, your urging
Me to give you ever more
Your pleasure groans become mine
You seed in me your nature
Please take every ounce of me
Please make me your possessionÂ
About Priscilla McDorman:
Priscilla McDorman is a queer spicy writer living in Berlin, home of club KitKat and some of the best leather parties in the world. She is the creator of the Unsexy blog about living with Vulvodynia. When not playing with her flogger, McDorman spends her time cooking, painting, and adventuring with friends. Follow on Twitter/X at @unsexymemoir