By Frank Weber
Copyright ©2024
Life became so hectic.
Alarm goes off.
Coffee starts to brew.
Hot shower and get dressed for work.
He never even noticed if there was a hello or a goodbye from her.
All of it so matter-of-fact that it numbed his senses.
He knew that he needed something more out of life and this was not it.
He wasn’t sure what it would be.
He just knew that he was beginning to need it, not just want it.
His days were long and lonely and one competition after another.
Not a word as he left for work. It was as if he didn’t hear her, cause she certainly didn’t hear him leaving. He figured, ‘ok - whatever’.
He pulled the door shut behind him as he left.
He was off to fight his daily office battles, but now there was a new irritation…a new ‘kid’ was starting in his office that day.
He got to his office and got settled, but there was an unusual vibe in the office today. He could already feel it in the air.
A lot of hurried conversation and hushed whispers back and forth, but he couldn’t yet see the cause of it all. Still…he had a pretty good idea.
And then she saw him. That young ‘kid’.He looked like he was twelve, but all the women in the office seemed enthralled with him.
And then Debbie called him over.
“Hey Vince! Come here for a minute. You have to meet the new guy, Josh.”
Debbie gave Vince the low-down. “He’s going to be managing our floor operations. Vince, this is Josh. Josh this is Vince, our Plant Manager. You’ll be working for him.”
After all of the civil, business pleasantries were done, Vince went back to his office and sunk into a cup of coffee. Josh was whisked away to HR to get all of his new-hire stuff on file.
Vince could still hear the ladies in the Sales office talking about Josh.
“THAT looked tasty, didn’t it?”
“Do you think he’s married? Or has a girlfriend?”
“Who cares? I don’t! I want some of THAT!”
And the comments and jokes kept on flowing…right up until Vince turned the corner and stepped into the coffee room for a refill.
Total deafening and uncomfortable silence.
Vince stopped for a second, but then walked up to the coffee pots.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything important.”
Still not a word.
But then Debbie spoke up.“No, nothing like that. Just a lot of coffee room chatter. We’re talking about the new guy.”
The ladies just stood there silently watching Vince, waiting for him to say something about their comments, but he kept quiet.
He had heard it all before, but that kind of thing never bothered him…not until now.
“Don’t let me interfere.” And he went back to his office.
One day became the next and then the next and all of a sudden, two months had passed.
And Josh was still there.
And the Ladies were still wanting and wondering and now they were scheming, too.
“Well, why don’t we do a Happy Hour and we can get Josh outside of this place and get some alcohol into him. THEN we’ll see what kind of guy he is!”
They wasted no time in setting it up. Friday evening after the office was closed, they would all meet at Sullivan’s Pub down the street. It was an office favorite.
Of course, Vince was invited and he never had any objections to meeting all these attentive women out for drinks.
He needed a release just as much as the rest of them did.
It seemed like one second they were in the office and the next they were all huddled around their “spot” at the bar in the back corner of the Pub. Drinks flowed. Cigarettes burned. Talk grew louder and looser and a lot more fun than anything that was ever said at work.
The Ladies had Josh surrounded and they batted him back and forth like a pinball.
Vince found a barstool off to the side and out of the way. Close enough to keep an eye on things, but still far enough that he was out of earshot.
Vince sipped his drink and smoked his cigarettes and watched.
He fell into a kind of daze and started to zone out.
Debbie came up behind him and pinched the back of his arm to wake him up.
He just turned and glared at her, but he couldn’t prevent the smile growing on his lips.
Debbie understood him more than most…and she had the same things driving her nuts in her life. They got along pretty well.
“Why are you sitting over here all by yourself, Big Guy?”
“You know I can’t sit and do shots with the new kid like you guys are doing.”
“I know, but…do you have to be so far away?”
Vince swallowed down the end of his drink and snuffed out his cigarette and just shrugged without looking at her.
Debbie began to rub and squeeze his arm, low enough so no one could see it.
She ran her hand around his waist and pushed her fingers down under his belt and into his pants.
She leaned forward toward the bar to reach for her drink, but she really used the moment to squeeze Vince’s ass.
As she leaned back away, she let him feel the heat of her breath escape her lips.
As Vince turned to call the bartender down for a round across the crowded bar, he lost his balance and pressed his hip onto Debbie’s thigh, and now he was practically leaning against her. Debbie moved back in kind – just a little – and put her hand down for leverage on Vince’s thigh. She gripped him high up and almost to the hip. She pressed and then she squeezed him just below his belt.
Vince didn’t show any reaction – nothing that would give them away.
Debbie knew exactly why he was acting this way and she knew exactly what Vince needed.
Her hand felt so good on him that he let her feel his leg and held her hand just enough to guide her.
She squeezed him again and spread her fingers out.
He felt Debbie’s fingers tracing the zipper on his pants, back and forth, pushing a little harder down with each line of stitching she followed.
He looked down at her hand, now practically feeling for a way inside and then he looked up into her face. Her face was soft and kind, and she looked so sad and sympathetic. She looked just as wanting for release as Vince himself wanted it. But…she knew what else he needed, too.
She glanced over at Josh and the Ladies so that Vince’s eyes would follow, too.
“Don’t let him bother you at all. Remember…he works for you.”
Debbie’s eyes sparkled in the bar lights and her hand was now between Vince’s legs, pressing against his balls. She made him feel such a peaceful calm.Her touch felt good, and he didn’t care about any of the rest of it.
He forgot about his wife and her husband.
He forgot that she also worked for him.
Her touch felt good, and he didn’t care about any of the rest of it.
He never set out to have sex with someone from the office, let alone someone else’s wife.
He just plain was not ever interested in any way that he could think of like that.
But once he and Debbie had hooked-up, he knew the kind of a connection to a woman that he always thought he should have. Now he felt so close to this married woman…this woman who ran his sales department.He slid a little on his barstool and pushed his hip back against her.He took a deep breath.
Debbie’s whole body shuddered with a wave of pleasure and she squeezed and rubbed him even more through his pants. He felt the blood coursing throughout his body and felt himself harden under the touch of her wanting, searching fingertips.
Even now, Vince stunned himself with such unbridled and foreign thinking, but by now the whisky’s were taking hold. And he needed the boost in his soul that Debbie was always so willing to provide.
His head was swimming in whisky and his cock was being stroked by this eager woman, in public, sitting at a bar, her now wanting him just as much as he was throbbing for her.
Any thoughts of spouses or girlfriends or boyfriends or the work-people around them evaporated from sight just as quickly as they came into his head.
They had a few more drinks together. They talked about anything that came to mind, just as old friends will. Everything and nothing at all. It was only talk, anyway. Bar talk is an easy way to get closer to a perfect stranger without really knowing them at all.
And it’s the one sure-fire way that a one-night stand could begin.It had already begun and they both knew it.
She wanted it.
And he needed it.
More than that, he needed to feel that he was still on top…still the man he always was.
Now Vince was drunk. His brain was sloshing around inside his head. Words seemed to echo when he heard them and he could feel the music clanging in his ears. And he was hard as rock with Debbie’s fingers squeezing him in time with the pounding music. The drinks emboldened her and she got a little daring and started to pull at Vince’s zipper, but he stopped her with a jolt.
He whispered softly to her, “Not in here.”
Debbie caressed Vince’s arm from shoulder to wrist and then clasped his hand within her fingers, all the while looking into his eyes and smiling. “Ok. But, I want to spend some more time with you…we just can’t go to my place.”
In a daze, Vince heard himself agree. “Absolutely.”
So, they each paid their tabs and collected their stuff. Debbie walked out first, making an obvious production of it. “Ok, well, it was fun hanging out with you, Vince. See you on Monday.” And then she left the bar. As it often times goes, she wasn’t fooling anyone. And neither was Vince.
Vince lifted himself up and he almost fell over. He had to collect himself now before he could leave. And now in his own thinking, he began to question himself.
Is this what you really want to do tonight? Are you really going to go through with this?
Yes, it is. And, yes, I am. It’s better than wasting another endless night alone feeling worthless and old.
He wasn’t trying to talk himself out of it, he was just thinking too much now, and THAT is the main reason he spent so many of those endless nights alone trapped inside his own head.
Not tonight, goddamn it! Not tonight!
He walked outside and the fresh air hit him like a brick. He took in a few deep breaths and his body relaxed a little more. He just wanted to sit down.
And then Debbie was standing there at the edge of the parking lot, waiting for him.
Debbie stepped quickly up to him and embraced him in a full, warm hug that Vince could not resist. He felt Debbie’s breath on his neck and he felt her lips on his chin and then she kissed him deeply in his mouth. He felt her lips on his and he felt her tongue licking his tongue and his lips. As she hugged him tighter, Vince could feel Debbie’s body heat growing as he kissed her back. He kissed her back just as deeply and into his mouth.
Debbie pulled back far enough to whisper, “Where are you parked?”
Vince pointed across the lot.
“Ok, good, come on, Vince, let’s go.”
The two of them helped to hold each other up as they made their way across the lot. They stumbled now and then, too, but eventually they got to Vince’s car. Vince unlocked his car and Debbie opened the door and pushed Vince down into the back seat, locked the door and closed it.
She went around to the other side and got in the back seat, locking the door behind her. Vince was half-slumped against the back of the seat, breathing heavily, his cock now throbbing. Debbie unbuttoned her blouse and unhooked her bra.
She opened them up completely and pressed her bare breasts down against Vince’s face.She gave herself over completely to all of her animalistic, hedonistic desires.
She gave herself over completely to him.
Vince felt her fingers caressing the hair on the back of her head, guiding him.
He felt himself being pulled up from the back of the seat.
He felt himself being laid down across the backseat.She crawled on top of him.
When he opened his eyes, he could see her hardened nipples and her breasts were pulsating with every heavy breath in the dim cast light of the parking lot. This beautiful, half-naked woman in front of him – almost entirely on top of him – looked more delicious than he thought she would, and strangely, he didn’t care at all about her husband or his wife.This moment had nothing to do with either one of them.
He reached for her and clutched her in his fingers and he slowly and gently stroked Debbie’s skin, pushing her blouse down over her shoulders.
And again. And again. And further. And further.
Debbie was already moaning under Vince’s touch and it hardened him even more.
She unbuckled his pants and slid her hands down his hips pushing them off as she went.
She licked at him and bit at him, and he could feel her heated and anxious breath on his thighs.
His cock was out and throbbing in a pulse.
She licked her fingers and slid them around it and lightly stroked him…not too tight but just enough that her touch made him shudder and shift.
Vince gently slid his hand around the back of Debbie’s head. He pushed her head downward, closer and closer, with a little more force, slowly but farther downward. With his other hand, he pushed her hand away and held his hardened cock at the base.He guided it up to Debbie’s mouth.He pushed the tip around her lips and playfully smacked her cheek with it.
When Vince pushed Debbie’s head down, she willingly took all of his cock in her mouth.
He could feel her in a different way now.He could feel the want to please him in each deep suck she took on him.He could feel her sliding tongue…her pouting lips…the touch of her cheek as she rubbed the tip of his cock around her lips.
He felt his heart pounding in that old familiar beat.
In this moment, he felt wanted and he felt in control.
He felt twenty years younger.
He still didn’t care about her husband or his wife – neither of them had anything to do with this.
This moment was all about him.
Debbie gave him that moment. Gave it to him willingly.
He let himself go.
He just did it.
He found himself enjoying Debbie’s muffled moans, her mouth so full but still growing louder with each slide and suck down into her throat.
He felt himself swelling large between her sucking lips.
His cock was throbbing and his head was pounding, and the deeper she sucked him, the more he wanted to fill her mouth.
Vince began to moan louder and he called out her name.
He held her head with both hands, forcing her head to bob up and down, pushing his cock deep into her throat with each bob.
She didn’t flinch, not a gag or a choke.She could taste him getting closer and she could feel his cock swelling in her mouth.
She felt the first shot hit the back of her throat first and then with the next slide of his cock over her tongue, she felt Vince’s cum pump into her mouth. Her mouth was full, and she swallowed all of it as she continued to suck. She sucked even harder now and began stroking his cock to make him cum even harder.
Vince let loose all he had into Debbie’s mouth and she greedily ate him alive.
Vince’s body started to relax and Debbie slowed her motion. She laid her head down against Vince’s leg and watched her fingers stroke his cock in the dim light coming in through the windows.
Vince was still hard. He never went soft.
She began to relax, too, but she was far from done.
She slid out of her jeans and panties and straddled him. He was still hard as rock and she easily took his cock up inside her.
She braced herself up on him, clawing and squeezing at his chest, and she let her hips rock in a slow and even sway, pulling him in deeper, pushing down on him harder with every smack of her ass against his thighs.
He closed his eyes and gave himself over to the feeling, the exquisite feeling, of this woman using his body. Doing it all for him.
He couldn’t hold back any longer and he came inside her.
She felt him start and she moved her body faster and she squeezed him inside of her.
She screamed out with each slam down of her ass on his body.
He began to loosen and his arms fell back against the seat wrapped up in a total rapture.
She laid down on top of him, and she, too began to relax and rest.
They were both now exhausted and drunk.
But he still felt so revived and revitalized.All from what this married woman from his Sales department did for him.
All from what she gave him that no one else would, not even his wife.His wife didn’t know or she didn’t care and in this moment, he couldn’t care any less himself.
Debbie made him feel like a stronger man once again.
Debbie kissed Vince deep into his mouth and his tongue flicked at her lips and tongue.Her taste was so familiar and welcome now.
They tenderly kissed for several minutes, holding each other in the back seat of Vince’s car.
The parking lot was now empty and the bar lights were out.
How long had this all been going on?
It didn’t matter. They were both happier than when they went out that night and they were both a little more satisfied. For the moment, anyway.
Debbie got out, got into her own car, sent a quick text and drove off into the night.
Vince sat there in his driver’s seat, replaying the whole night over and over in his head. He was in a daze, slowly realizing all he had just done – and done with Debbie – the married mother of three employee in his office.
He replayed all that he had enjoyed with another man’s wife.
Yet, he was happier now.
Maybe he could sleep now.
And he went home alone and slept for over twelve hours.
The following Monday morning, the coffee room scene played itself out once again.
All of the Ladies from Sales were clamoring over and around the new guy, Josh.
Vince walked in and filled his mug.
He said a firm and strong ‘good morning’ to all of them.
He looked directly at Josh and said, “Good morning. When you’re done here, I want you to come to my office, son. We have a few things to discuss today.”
Josh didn’t reply but nervously nodded ‘ok’.
Debbie was leaning against the doorway and when Vince caught her eye, he let out a faint smile.
She didn’t say a word, but as he turned the corner, she reached out and pinched his ass.
She watched Vince walk away toward his office, walking back in that old familiar strut.
About Frank Weber:
Frank Weber is a freelance writer from Erie, Pennsylvania. He has been published in several print and digital magazines, local interest books and advertising campaigns as both writer and model. His work encompasses a firm conviction, a simple honesty in written word and enough of a raw edge to make people feel what they read. Website: www.frankietatts.com
Twitter: @frankietatts_
Instagram: @frankietatts