By C.E. Quatmann
Copyright ©2025
Before you breathe in
my hair like you're taming a monster
made of bull thistle & primrose
before you finger open the petals
of my eager bloom a hummingbird
lapping nectar levitating & hungry
staving off a thirst that growls plump
& deep in the belly of want
I serve whispers to your neck
blush kissed thorns spreading
down your chest & thighs reverent
discoveries awaiting ravenous hands
that moment before the very first time
butterflies breaking under the threat
of anticipation diving eagerly
into freshly watered gardens
kneeling before God
& I pray
into your cunt
About C.E. Quatmann:
C.E. Quatmann (she/they) is a disabled and queer poet and writer. She is the author of the poetry chapbook Yoke (MyrtleHaus 2024), and Editor-in-Chief for HNDL Mag. Her writing is published in or forthcoming with Little Old Lady Comedy, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, Neologism Poetry Journal, manywor(l)ds, samfiftyfive, and others. Find her online @CaitiTalks